Welcome back to Questions for the Culture! I changed my mind, September is actually the longest month of the year. This last week really dragged and it STILL isn’t October, can you believe?
Does today feel heavier than normal?
I definitely feel it. The people around me feel it too. Watching the aftermath of Hurricane Helene has been devastating and the unexpected nature of the damage makes it even worse. I’m desperate to see them receive some help but I know it’ll be an uphill battle considering the loss of access to a lot of towns, especially in western North Carolina. I would also like to add that when it comes to our ongoing climate catastrophe, the panic that one may feel is usually replaced with a deep, all-encompassing dread. At least for me. A lot of that is because my education was based on what the future will look like if we continue down the same course. I wonder if all Environmental Science majors develop this same trauma?
What do you think is going on with Megalopolis? Do you really believe it is as horrible as everyone is saying?
I’ve been obsessed with the commentary around this movie. Every fair and balanced reviewer I know has had their brains broken, reduced to stumbling messes of disgust and confusion. I have to experience it for myself. To be honest I feel like Coppola is just predictably out of touch in a way that a rich octogenarian would be. Couple that with a movie that is so clearly try to say something important and you have that insane scene with Adam Driver and the clurbbb. I can’t wait to see it.
Do you believe the dock strike will happen?
I do actually and I would be lying if I said I didn’t support them 100%. They are asking for a $5-an-hour raise for each of the six years of the new contract (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/30/business/ports-strike-deadline/index.html) and are being denied for no reason other than, shocker: greed. How can you justify them not being worth that much if a strike could cost the country $5 billion in revenue A DAY. Clearly they’re being more than reasonable. Like, just pay the workers OMG.
Where are the film reviews? I thought that was the point of WWW?
The Spooky Spectator will be making a grand return next month (woo!) and I’m very excited. I’m planning to incorporate it into my usual schedule so things may be busier than usual next month. Also I’m not sure why but the spirit moves me to write film reviews in the cold months and essays in the warm months. I can’t tell you why but I’ve learned to go with the flow for these things. If anyone can tell me why they think I’m like that then please let me know.
Maybe I need to invest in taking more naps? Or vitamins? I can’t keep feeling tired I have a book to write and I need to be as productive as possible. I heard there are focus patches you can buy but the paranoid African aunty in me is VERY hesitant to give those a try.
Stay Golden and have a good week!