Unfortunately but predictably, I have been sick for this entire week (still am). Apparently my body is actually aging and can no longer fight off bacteria on no sleep and constant travel like it used to be able to. Instead of sulking in this realization however, I decided to get back to my roots and watch as many movies and shows as I could and give you a super review of everything. I barely slept this week, just to get this to you. Which admittedly, doesn’t bode well for my overall healing but I’m sure it’s fine. Not like I had the option to do much else (I say as the untouched books on my shelf stare at me menacingly).
Sick Movies
Akira (1988) - For all who don’t know, Akira is famously the blueprint for so many incredible works of fiction that it’s hard to describe the sheer scope of it’s influence. If you’ve ever seen a sideways drift stop on a motorcycle and thought, “niceeee” that’s thanks to Akira. If you’ve ever been stunned by modern depictions of cyberpunk cities that are built directly on the ruins of cities of antiquity, you partially have Akira to thank. If you’ve watched any anime movie in the last 36 years, you can pick out bits and pieces of Akira scattered here and there and that influence is well earned. There are so many themes tightly interwoven but expertly communicated that you never feel overwhelmed despite observing so much. The characters are so dynamic and modern despite the age of the movie which is a testament to the masterful writing. The score is also killer and hear so much of it in the anime scores of today. I recognized as soon as I finished it that i would need to watch this movie several times before it really set in and I can’t wait. (10/10)
The Joy Luck Club (1993) - So incredibly moving. I am shocked at how similar the daughter of immigrant experience is across different times and backgrounds. I only wish this movie had found me 10 years ago. (7/10)
Van Helsing (2004) - Please don’t ask me a thing about this movie. I was deliriously feverish during the film but I’m also not convinced that there’s a solid plot. All I know is that it gets a (2/10) for that stiff, tragic Outre wig in the color 4 they put on Hugh Jackman. Unacceptable.
Interview with the Vampire (1994) - I had to go back and confirm if Brad Pitt is phoning it in as much as I remember and he in fact is. Honestly, he should really be embarrassed of that performance, among other things. Tom Cruise’s commitment to the role of Lestat is commendable. I can see him acting though which isn’t the best but at least he TRIED. (5/10)
Sick Shows
Interview With The Vampire, Season 2 (2024) - I watched season 1 last week and I’m all caught up with season 2. All I have to say is I’m sorry for hating on this show when I watched the pilot 2 years ago. It’s so good. Very campy and messy but also the implications of these petty relationships run so deep. What do you mean the fate of the world could rest on the machinations of the worst boyfriends you’ve ever seen. Also Lestat? What a queen I love him so much. I have nothing else to say other than please watch the show before AMC fumbles it completely. (8.5/10)
The last three episodes of Doctor Who (2024) - Ncuti Gatwa has truly charmed me. He is fantastic and I am absolutely loving the Black Mirror-esque tone of some of the episodes. Please watch if you haven’t already. (7/10)
The Boys, Season 4, Episodes 1 and 2 (2024) - We are so back. I admit I was hesitant going into this season. Season 3 left me feeling stagnant as the overarching story didn’t really change. Wow Butcher is awful, Homelander is terrifying and on top, and things look bleak. What else is new but so far it looks like there will be permanent changes to the story and we’re finally going to take a step into the future. I especially love the addition of Sage. These two episodes set the stage so well and I’m so excited for the rest of the season. (8/10)
Mashle: Magic and Muscles, Season 1 (2023) - Very cute and fun but I watched this at my absolute sickest so I kept falling asleep throughout. I’ll go back and devote my full attention to it but the bits I can remember was delightful. A playful parody of a certain magical teen boy’s story that doesn’t take itself too seriously. I won’t give a rating unless I’ve seen more of it but so far so good.
Delicious in Dungeon, Episodes 1-4 (2024) - This is a highly instructional cooking show disguised as a fun dungeon crawl. I will be watching going forward because this is peak fiction.
Do you have a recommendation for me? Comment below:
& hope you feel better soon <3
I’ve been waiting for all the eps of season 2 of interview with the vampire to come out and now I’m extra excited to watch it!!