Welcome back to Questions for the Culture! Well… it’s certainly November. I’m already tired of sighing.
Do you want to talk about the election?
Yes… and no. On one hand, I feel the desire to really delve into the changing landscape of America. To get to the heart of where this country is going and why. But the truth is I already have an idea and I think I’ve had one for a long time. This country is a much more desperate place than we like to give it credit for. People are desperate for any type of salvation from their day to days, which in their minds grow more dour as time goes on. Instead of taking the time to address the material realities of why so many of us may be suffering, we turn to bigotry as a nation. It hasn’t yet occurred to many of us that people want the suffering of others to give their suffering meaning. I also don’t believe that voting for someone wholly devoted upholding the imperialist system would really lead towards much in the way of positive change. It won’t be until we make a conscious effort to see this country for what it is that this will change. More than anything, I’m tired of pretending to be surprised and I grow wary of those that are genuinely shocked to their core. If you realllyyy want to know how I feel about the election, please refer to the picture above. My life will change immediately upon his inauguration and in tangible, awful ways that I cannot ignore. However, this time I feel more prepared. I’m not going into it blind like when I was 20. All I feel now, 5 days out, is deeply resigned.
Was the writing on the wall?
We spent the better part of a year discussing TikTok tradwives and the male loneliness epidemic. Yes, the writing was on the wall and it was bright red.
What’s next?
I plan to continue to write here. I want to help foster the kind of community that we’ll need in the coming years and I’m so grateful that you all are here. As a writer, I believe here is where I’m the most useful. More than anything, I am spending more time with the people that I love, American atomization be damned. I hope you’ll all do the same as well.
Anything you’ve noticed in the immediate aftermath?
My final desire to shop on Black Friday evaporated immediately. It’s time to save and I am determined to be as prepared as possible for whatever comes next.
Any thoughts on the Grammys?
Not really. Very happy for Doechii. I do wish the Grammys would have delayed their announcement by a week so that we could at least pretend to care.
Not too much to say about this one, y’all.
Stay golden and have a good week!