Welcome back to the Spooky Spectator! This year has been an uphill battle because I’ve been bit by the Thriller bug and I only want to watch deep, insightful looks into the human psyche which leaves no space for the horror and gore of last year. I swear Substack is feeding my snobbery but that is an essay for another day. Anyway let’s get to it:
Mr. Crocket (2024):
I can tell that the entire team was truly passionate about this project and had a great time making it. I love that, I think it’s important to love what you do and be proud of your work. I think when you sit down to watch this film you should keep an image of their smiling faces in mind to help fight off some of the disappointment of the film itself. To put it lightly, I had to fight to finish. Mostly it was so boring and on the nose that I struggled to bring myself to care which is a shame because it really was an interesting concept. I think some of the effects were practical including some puppets so that’s nice I guess! (4/10)
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017):
This film was a masterclass in tension building. From the curt, weird way that everyone speaks to the stomach-churningly sinister violin, every aspect of this film worked hand in hand to make you clench at what’s coming next. By the time we got about half way through this movie I was literally sick with dread. Even my partner letting me know this was a retelling of a particular Greek myth, it still didn’t ease my mind at all. That is successful storytelling to me. Now, we gotta get into these performances because I love, LOVE when actors use a film to have an act off and that was this in spades. It’s like everyone came together and said “We won’t let Nicole get away with this” and made a combined effort to tug at her wig constantly. I see now why this was Barry Keoghan’s big break. Thank you to
for recommending it your taste is impeccable! (8/10)Scooby-Doo and the Witch’s Ghost (1999):
You know I had to sit down and watch the second best animated Scooby-Doo movie! This has aged so well and this is the film that gave us the hex girls, those Divas. Also there’s something so cunty about the villain being a devious male novelist, one Halloween I’m going to be Ben Ravencroft and gag the girls. I will say, this movie is one of the rare circumstances where it could’ve been longer and it would’ve improved the entire experience. We definitely could’ve seen Sarah Ravencroft reek more havoc or even spread her evil into the surrounding area. More than anything we absolutely needed another chase scene. Scooby-Doo is famous for them and this film is surprisingly lacking in that regard. But seriously go and watch it again if you can, you’ll have a time. (6/10)
The Blackening (2022):
I had so much fun from start to finish. I don’t get to ugly laugh often but I was ugly laughing to this. Teeth out and everything. I feel like often when something is written for black people to appeal to black people, it can be really heavy handed with the wink-nods. While we did venture into that territory a little bit, for the most part the humor is really solid. I was also impressed with how the budget was used. The entire film was made on a $5 million dollar budget and they made their money stretch seamlessly (I say this because you can tell at the end where they finally ran out). But the team behind this film did a great job. Also I’m desperate to see more Yvonne Orji in more things and it’s so good to see her giving her best Drew Barrymore short horror movie appearance. Also now I want to get everyone together in a cabin for Juneteenth and have themed drinks and play Uno because, like Clifton, I can’t play spades. Go home and ask your friends whose the blackest and thank me later for the mess that ensues. (7/10)
This is probably my shortest edition yet but I believe that for listacles like this, brevity is key. Plus this week has truly week’d and I’m exhausted. Hopefully, I find some more to watch in the next week or else the next edition might be shorter and I know a few of you would tear my head off for that. As always let me know if you have any recommendations!
I am so glad you liked it!! love what you said about an act off they all truly brought their best performances, without it I think the dread would have fallen short. and the way they talk! I forgot about that, but you’re right it does make it all the more strange and tense!!
I had to heart this immediately because I loved the blackening so much. saw it in a crowded theatre and it was a fantastically funny communal experience