Welcome back to Questions for the Culture! The feature in which I answer questions that I’m sure someone, somewhere actually needs answered. Can you believe your girl has made 29 trips around the sun? Because of the pandemic I feel perpetually 24 so the fact that I’ve actually been aging the entire time never ceases to amaze me.
Do you have any actual good news to share?
Why, yes. Yes I do. In the midst of the turbulence of the last few weeks, a long-standing dream of mine just decided to come true. I’ve been accepted to a national play festival and my work will be produced and filmed in front of an audience! After days upon days of feeling like a husk of myself, suddenly the want cloud about my head popped and I was awarded with life points (hi, simmers). If you want to learn more about the festival, you can find more info here: https://powerstories.com/vow-2025/#meet-the-playwrights---short-plays
What are we getting into this year now that we’ve decided to cut back on doom-scrolling
Don’t be shocked but we’re reading fr. Like, this is not a drill. This past week, I read a 500+ page book in less than 2 days. A feat I haven’t been able to accomplish since I was 16 years old. I feel my attention span regenerating as I type this. Thank you, Tracy Deonn.
What are your takeaways from the Grammys?
It was both riveting and deeply frustrating. In general, their voting has gotten a lot better or at least more reflective of current cultural trends. However, I hate to listen to anyone rich beg for money no matter the circumstances. Parading around the hungry and suffering when the money used to put on this show could alleviate all of their heartache is honestly kinda gross. Plus, it was too damn long for no reason, especially considering less than 10 actual awards were handed out during the course of the show. But, progress is slow I suppose.
Hey what’s going on with One Piece and why am I seeing more OP glazing everywhere?
The most important One Piece chapter in the series, chapter 1138, dropped last week and flipped the entire story on its head. In a few pages, we received Oda’s vision for the end of his almost 30 year old story as well as important background information for the most popular side character in the entire story. It also contained some of the best poetry I’ve ever read? Listen, now is the time. You gotta get into it now.
What did you mean by this:
In the US we’ve lost the basic respect for life that all healthy societies should have. Our empathy has been replaced with a toxic “well I got mines, I don’t know about y’all though” attitude. We can’t even bring ourselves to mourn, how can we possibly prevent more loss of life? The lack of care everywhere I look is absolutely chilling and I’m sick of watching us grow more distant. Tired of watching people meme their way through tragedy. When did we all stop caring? Why does everyone want to win the idgaf war so bad?