You know, writing these weekly blogs has me feeling like Carrie Bradshaw, except with more humanity and an uglier closet. It really is a shame that I don’t like cigarettes or cosmopolitans because I think it would add to the overall experience.
I’ve made the decision to re-start my comedy career. Your requests have not gone ignored, friends. I don’t know exactly when but you can expect to see me in a NW DC townhome turned speakeasy making exactly 5 people chuckle sometime soon. I’ve even been working on some new material too which has been both terrifying and exciting. But on a serious note, comedy is something I’ve been avoiding for a long time mostly because I couldn’t handle flopping as a comic. It’s not that I don’t think failure is an important step in personal growth or whatever but it’s hard to except that I may fail at something that has felt so innate for me. On a subconscious level, you expect that you may fail at some of your dreams but you never expect to fail at being yourself. How do you prepare for that?
Months later and I am still constantly thinking about the Renaissance World Tour. Not to sound like a deranged stan but Beyoncé is the best performer of our time. Probably our parents time too. The meticulous thought and preparation that went into every second of that show is mind-blowing. She’s actually doing a disservice to the rest of the music industry by continuing like this and putting everyone to shame. I respect all of the acts that I’ve seen this year but I would be a little embarrassed to be touring at the same as Beyoncé.
If there’s one thing that’s been cemented in my mind this week is that you cannot guarantee that any famous person won’t disappoint you down the line. At this point I think you do a disservice to yourself by holding them in such high regard just for being more prominent that you. The circus is ACTUALLY full of clowns.
It’s good and refreshing to see actual journalists reporting the news. Reminds me that there’s more out there than just woman-hating, big black text on white background blogs that can’t seem to do anything but lie, commit e-hate crimes, and ask “thoughts?”. There are a lot of especially talented journalists here on substack like Meghann Cuniff that I highly recommend.
Yes!!! Stand-up Whitney is backkkk!!!