Lol those student loans can rot. If they were fine for three years then they don’t need the money back. Anywho, I LOVE spam musubi and I really need to find a good place in Maryland that has it.

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I had some at a food fest in Annandale but I forgot to write down the name of the actual restaurant and yeah they're gonna have to get the loan back in blood sorry

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Student loans suck but I’m not brave enough to ignore them, that’s my only character flaw.

When you write your book, we’ll have an award ceremony where your are the only nominee and therefore the best writer in the world lol

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It is scary to think about breaking the law like that so I totally get it and I'd literally cry omg

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YaY Whitney Day! I should try that with an LA day once I'm back on the West Coast ^_^

Is the flyer just for you to get hyped, or it's like to tell ppl to not talk to you for the day? lol

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I think everyone should take a day for sure and it's just for me to get hyped up mostly. My flyers are typically too cringe to share

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1. This is probably my favorite post so far

2. You’ve inspired me to take an Alexis day in a big city somewhere. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get over my hatred for New York and go there lol

3. I would most definitely still buy your book full price if you decided to publish it (maybe even 2 copies if it comes out on payday)

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Thank you!!! And I definitely recommend New York for a day trip but I don't think I could live there at all.

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