Sending you so much love. But the key is that you’re surrounded by love and you have the tools to pick back up again. Our biggest wins start in our darkest times.
Light to you. I remember growing up the adults telling me how screwed we were, that we needed to find our own path but still do it their way. They told us to go to school and get an education became CEOs. Don’t go into government because the old guard will refuse to leave. I tried doing it there way and I sucked at it. Always being screwed by people older than me because I was just out for their job. I was simply teaching them to do things faster so they could keep up with the technology changes.
I hate that this is happening to you and so many of us. It’s time to refocus and find that new path, hopefully get some older than dirt farts to finally retire.
The unknown can be the scariest thing, but it also can be an opportunity to bigger and bigger. In the moment it sucks… just be gentle with yourself. Compassion and grace.
Sending you so much love. But the key is that you’re surrounded by love and you have the tools to pick back up again. Our biggest wins start in our darkest times.
Thank you so much!
Light to you. I remember growing up the adults telling me how screwed we were, that we needed to find our own path but still do it their way. They told us to go to school and get an education became CEOs. Don’t go into government because the old guard will refuse to leave. I tried doing it there way and I sucked at it. Always being screwed by people older than me because I was just out for their job. I was simply teaching them to do things faster so they could keep up with the technology changes.
I hate that this is happening to you and so many of us. It’s time to refocus and find that new path, hopefully get some older than dirt farts to finally retire.
Thank you. A different path is definitely needed. I'm not sure where this road will take me but I'm on it anyway.
The unknown can be the scariest thing, but it also can be an opportunity to bigger and bigger. In the moment it sucks… just be gentle with yourself. Compassion and grace.